Postdoctoral Scholar
University of California, Los Angeles, USA.
I work on a NASA operations to research grant which aims to
deliver a robust real-time framework for on-orbit satellite
anomaly hindcasting and forecasting.
Advisor: Dr. Adam Kellerman.
PhD in Space Plasma Physics
Mullard Space Science Laboratory, University College London, UK.
My thesis investigated how the dynamics of the Earth’s
magnetopause, the outer boundary of Earth’s magnetosphere, results
in extreme losses of electrons from the Van Allen Radiation Belts.
Advisor: Professor I. Jonathan Rae.
MPhys in Physics with Space Science
Lancaster University, UK.
My Master’s dissertation investigated plasma convection in Earth's
ionosphere, and the need for observations at mid-Latitudes.
Advisor: Dr. Adrian Grocot
An MPhys is an integrated Master’s degree combining study at
Bachelor and Master’s level, and is a qualification at the same
level as MSc and MPhil degrees.